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Tuesday, Aug 06 2024

Here’s The Diamond Cut For Your Zodiac Jewellery Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Written by Vaishnavi Rana

Here’s The Diamond Cut For Your Zodiac Jewellery Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Welcome to your sparkle reading! If you’ve been wondering what lab diamond cut you should choose for your jewellery, then look no further; we’re going to be your diamond guides. Every diamond cut has a special quality that makes it unique, and that is something one can also hold true for zodiac signs. 

In this article, we’ll tell you all about the different qualities of zodiac signs and what lab diamond cut we think will go perfectly well with their zodiac jewellery. Read on to find out your hidden qualities and the diamond cut you should choose on the basis of your zodiac sign.

Table of Content

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Radiant Cut



If there is a zodiac sign that is the most full of fire and energy, it is the sign at the start of the zodiac wheel. Aries is the star sign that symbolises energy and boldness. People born under this sign are extremely confident and love having that extra spark of impulsiveness in everything they do. 

If you were born under the zodiac sign of Aries, then we think that you will absolutely adore the beauty of a radiant cut lab diamond. A radiant cut has 70 facets, which makes it one of the brightest diamonds of all cuts. It certainly shines with the same boldness as a person born under the sign of Aries.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Round Cut 



People born under the sign of the bull are said to be some of the most reliable and grounded to ever exist. They thrive in stability and usually avoid anything that is too beyond their comfort zone. It is also said that they have an intense focus and love being goal-oriented. 

If you were born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, then the diamond cut for your zodiac jewellery is a round cut. It is the cut associated with traditionality, stability and security. Sounds like a perfect fit for Taurians, doesn’t it? 

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Oval Cut



The sign of Gemini brings novelty, versatility and smart yet logical thinking to the people that are born in it. Geminites are curious, playful, and excellent at communicating their feelings. One can go as far as calling them social animals who thrive when they are in the company of people. 

The oval cut is the perfect diamond cut for the zodiac jewellery of people born under the sign of Gemini. This cut is all about modernity and individuality, with their facets that create a beautiful play of light. You can browse through our website and get an oval cut lab diamond for your zodiac jewellery if you are intrigued by the beauty of this cut.

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

Cushion Cut



Cancerians are the ultimate goofballs! They love showing emotions and being as expressive as they can. They are known to be the most soft-hearted, and as friends, they appear to be the most comforting of all. 

Ever heard of a cut that appears pillow-soft and has a beautiful sparkle? We’re talking about the cushion cut! Cancerians will find themselves naturally drawn to the kindness of lab diamonds and what they stand for. In addition to this, we think that a cushion cut lab diamond will be the perfect fit for their zodiac jewellery!

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Marquise Cut 



What can you expect from a sign represented by the mighty lion? Leos have an inherent confidence and charisma that they use to charm anyone who comes their way. With boldness in their veins, leos make sure that they are leading the way, no matter what the situation is.

The charmers of the zodiac signs deserve a lab diamond cut as alluring as them! We’re talking about the marquise cut, also known to be the most romantic cut to exist. It was supposedly shaped to resemble the lips of King Louis XV’s lover, the Marquise de Pompadour. If you’re a Leo and want to buy a lab diamond that would suit the zodiac jewellery of your choice, then go for the allure of the Marquise cut.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Princess Cut



It is a common notion that Virgos are some of the most practical people to ever exist. But did you know that behind all this practicality and precision, they are actually sweethearts? If you’re someone born under the Virgo sign, we’re sure that you are the most elegant and sophisticated person your friends know of.

The elegant sign of Virgo deserves the beauty of a princess cut lab diamond, and we know you would agree! A princess cut diamond has a brilliant fire that comes from the fact that it is a modified version of the round cut. If you were born under the sign of Virgo, choose the stunning princess cut diamond and find yourself surrounded by a string of admirers waiting for you to flaunt the bling.

Libra (September 23–October 23)

Heart Cut



The sign of all things beauty and love! If you were born under the zodiac sign of Libra, chances are you already have an idea of the cut you want for your lab diamond. Librans are Venusian in nature, meaning they love all aspects associated with beauty and aesthetics. You will often find Librans making up Pinterest boards of the things they find beautiful or simply existing as the breathtaking creatures that they are. 

heart cut diamond is a fancy cut that demands attention, much like a Libran! Only people with a unique taste find this cut irresistible, and if that is not a description for people born under the sign of Libra, then what else? 

Scorpio (October 24–November 21)

Pear Cut


What do you get when you mix mystery, passion and intelligence together? A Scorpio! We know that it is a widespread cliche that people born under the sign of Scorpio are dark, mysterious and extremely seductive, but there’s something nobody knows about them. Out of all the water signs, Scorpios are the most delicate at heart, and the purity of their emotions is unmatched. This is why they can come across as intense, alluring and charismatic to people who don’t know them.

For Scorpios, we’re going to recommend the pear cut, as it is just as fancy and has an intense as well as appealing beauty. The cut has become quite famous as well, with many celebrities opting to make the choice of a pear cut diamond for their jewellery.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Emerald Cut



The sign of the archer, Sagittarians love chasing after the things that they want. They love exploring and going after new adventures as a way of life. If you know a Sagittarian, you already know that they hate being tied down to one thing and have a free spirit. But if there’s a cut that will make a Sagittarian settle down, it is the Emerald cut.

An emerald cut has 58 parallel cuts that make it an extremely popular cut due to the brilliant fire it displays. People born under the sign of Sagittarius will appreciate the vintage charm of the emerald cut lab diamond.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Round Cut


Capricorns are known to be strict and disciplined in the way they live their lives. Their love for class and elegance makes them some of the most traditional people of all zodiac signs. This doesn’t mean that when a Capricorn wants to come out and party, they won’t bring the house down! 

The perfect combination of wild and disciplined, people born under the sign of Capricorn would love the classic allure of the round cut diamond. One of the most popular cuts of all time, a round cut diamond, is versatile and would make your zodiac jewellery the main character of your outfit!

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)  

Radiant Cut


Deeply social and intelligent by nature, Aquarians are truly the masters of interpersonal relationships. People born under the sign of the ‘water bearer’ are extremely intuitive and love being social butterflies. This is simply because of their open nature and the ability to read people’s minds and make things easier for them.

The radiant cut seems to be a jack of all trades, appearing twice in this list! But, yes, we can assure you that, as an Aquarian, you would love to have a radiant cut for your zodiac jewellery. The modernity of this cut will be a perfect companion to the independence of those born under the sign of Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Marquise Cut


The last of the water signs, Pisces, is the sign of all things romance and imagination. Pisceans are truly romantic at heart and love being in love. Intensely creative in everything they do, people born under this zodiac sign are empathetic and sensitive to other people and their needs. 

If you’re a Piscean, all you need to do is get a hold of the most romantic diamond cut of all, the marquise cut. The beauty of the marquise cut will definitely enhance the intensity of those born under the sign of Pisces. 

Did you find the perfect diamond cut for your lab diamond zodiac jewellery? If not, you can simply browse through our website and take home a lab diamond that reflects the kindness of your values towards the planet. You won’t have to think twice before investing in a lab diamond, as it is sustainable and ethical. Be it stud earrings, hoop earrings, tennis bracelets or solitaire necklaces, when you shop with us, you help the world become a greener place!

Choose Friendly Diamonds for a Friendlier Tomorrow!