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Written by Rachael Fernandes
Gone are the days when one couldn’t understand how something was made. Now, it is possible to know exactly what goes on behind the scenes. At Friendly Diamonds, we’re not only giving you the best lab diamonds, we’re also letting you in on our secrets.
One of the most asked questions when it comes to lab diamonds is how they are made. CVD Vs. HPHT is also one of the most important things people want to know. Hang tight, we’ll answer all your questions today!
The two processes used to create lab grown diamonds are CVD and HPHT. These processes mimic the natural conditions that create natural diamonds.
The decision to buy a lab diamond requires a lot of consideration and if you’re wondering what is the difference between CVD and HPHT diamonds, we’re here to help you make the best choice. Read on to know what are CVD diamonds and HPHT diamonds.
CVD is one of the processes used to create lab grown diamonds. If you’re wondering what happens during the CVD process, read on. During CVD diamond formation, a microscopic slice of diamond is placed in a chamber and subjected to carbon-rich gas at extremely high temperatures.
In a number of weeks, the carbon gas ionises and the particles adhere to the initial diamond slice, finally crystallising into a fully formed diamond. A fun fact about CVD diamonds is that the technology behind this is supposed to have been rooted in the way stars are formed in outer space. Yes, you’re hearing it right! The lab diamonds made by the CVD process have an interesting space connection.
Another way to create lab diamonds is by a process known as HPHT process. The HPHT diamonds require high temperature and high pressure to be made. Pure carbon is squeezed into a metal cube and subjected to extensive heat and intense pressure via electric pulse. The carbon breaks down and crystallizes into a diamond. Metal traces within an HPHT diamond are often tiny and invisible to the human eye.
The HPHT process mimics the natural conditions that are required to form diamonds on Earth. The HPHT method was one of the first processes created in the 1950s in order to have lab-created diamonds.
If you’re wondering what are the differences between CVD and HPHT diamonds, here’s the deal. The CVD process is quite recent compared to the HPHT process. The HPHT process was the first ever process used to create lab diamonds.
The CVD process takes less time to create diamonds as compared to HPHT diamonds. Also, when it comes to cost-effectiveness, HPHT diamonds are a little more expensive than CVD diamonds. But this can be compensated by the fact that HPHT diamonds are considered better than CVD diamonds. When it comes to the environment, CVD diamonds are better preferred as they use less resources than HPHT diamonds. At Friendly Diamonds, we create our diamonds in ethical conditions, so you can stay relaxed about the fact that your money’s not going towards anything that’s unethical.
Lab grown diamonds are a sustainable way of producing eternal beauty. It is less resource consuming than mining a diamond from Earth. When it comes to mining natural diamonds, it requires working on a huge space of land, which then becomes unusable for other purposes. But when it comes to lab grown diamonds, the use of land is less and it takes up less resources, which makes lab grown diamonds an Earth Kind choice.
When diamonds are made in a lab, the carbon atoms combine in a structure that is similar to natural diamonds. Lab diamonds are visually, physically and chemically similar in composition to natural diamonds. The difference can only be seen through highly specialised machines. It is stipulated that mined diamonds require around 126 gallons of water, which is a huge cost that the planet has to pay.
When it comes to buying a diamond, the decision to spend your hard-earned money lies completely on you. But if you’re trying to make a wiser choice, we suggest that you go for lab grown diamonds. At Friendly Diamonds, we give you the choice of being sustainable. The choice of standing by values that you love.
You can choose our lab diamonds to participate in a practice that saves the planet from undergoing more damage than there has been already done. You can do your part towards a more sustainable future by getting our lab diamond fine jewellery. Simply follow the steps on our website and get the sparkle you love at the click of a finger.
Are you curious about how lab diamonds are made? These diamonds are manufactured by processes that mimic how diamonds come into existence beneath the Earth's mantle. These diamonds are created under highly scientific conditions using two methods, CVD (chemical vapour deposition) and HPHT (high pressure, high temperature). The labs in which these diamonds are made are highly specialised, run by exceptionally skilled scientists and engineers, and employ cutting-edge equipment.
At Friendly Diamonds, we’re here for all your sparkle needs. Our lab diamonds are a testament to our commitment to sustainable practices surrounding diamonds. Our lab diamonds are visually, chemically and physically identical to natural diamonds, which means you get the best of both worlds. Choose Friendly Diamonds for a Friendlier Tomorrow!