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The Friendly Diamonds Difference

Our lab created diamonds are created keeping in mind the conservation of the environment and are unattached to any violence, poverty or abuse of rights. Friendly Diamonds is committed to ethical practices and by growing diamonds that are of the same quality or superior to earth-mined diamonds has no attachment to conflict, suffering or harm to the environment. We go one step ahead of the “conflict free” attribution and provide only the finest and most ethical lab created diamonds in the industry. With a constant endeavour to improve our processes, we work towards providing the highest quality ethical and environmentally-friendly diamonds for the engagement ring of your dreams.

From violence to friendly relations

From violence to
friendly relations

Fuelled by pure greed, corrupt governments and militaries have for decades been employing violent measure to control the people and resources in mining regions. They take bribes, indulge in beating and killing those who do not comply. Angola’s civil war has killed almost 500,000 over three decades, and even after they signed up to the Kimberley Process, deeming their diamonds “conflict free”, nothing guarantees that the diamonds are violence-free. With lab created diamonds, there is no involvement of the government and military, no rigorous labor or scope to abuse.

From civil wars to peace
and friendship

For too long now have civil wars been a direct consequence of diamond mining. They have wreaked destruction, death and devastation across Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, the Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, claiming millions of lives along the way. In a world where only lab created diamonds are available, civil wars will cease to exist.

From civil wars to peace and friendship

Friendly Diamonds is committed to making the world a friendlier place,
one lab diamond at a time.

From poverty to friendly wages

From poverty to friendly

The irony of diamond mining is that though the gems that are being mined are worth billions, most of the miners live in complete poverty. They have average earnings of less than a dollar a day. For lab diamond production, the labor that is hired needs to be trained and adequately compensated for their skills set, so there is no scope of unfair wages in a lab diamond industry.

From unsafe to friendlier
working conditions

The irony of diamond mining is that though the gems that are being mined are worth billions, most of the miners live in complete poverty. They have average earnings of less than a dollar a day. For lab diamond production, the labor that is hired needs to be trained and adequately compensated for their skills set, so there is no scope of unfair wages in a lab diamond industry.

From unsafe to friendlier working conditions
From pollution to earth-friendly practices

From pollution to earth-friendly practices

From mercury pollution caused by separation of gold from unwanted miners to cyanide spills during gold extraction processes and ecosystem devastation which is a result of irresponsible mining for gemstones—diamond mining can wreak havoc on the environment and its inhabitants. Lab diamonds are created in laboratories chosen in terms of strategic location and built to standards that will adhere to safeguarding the environment from pollution, harm and devastation.