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Friday, Jul 26 2024

Anniversary Band Vs. Wedding Band : Here’s How to Know the Difference!

Written by Shelby Montel

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Anniversary Band Vs. Wedding Band : Here’s How to Know the Difference!

Have you been wondering about the difference between anniversary band and wedding band? Has this taken over every waking thought in your head? The chances are slim, but hey, we’re here to answer every lab diamond fine jewelry question that goes on in your mind!

Lab diamonds are the sustainable alternative to mined diamonds, and we’ve made sure that when you buy a beautiful anniversary band or wedding band from us, you get only the best. As lab diamonds are visually, chemically, and physically similar in composition to mined diamonds, you are getting your money’s worth. Read on to find out how to choose between anniversary band vs. wedding band!

Table Of Contents

Choosing The Right Anniversary Band

Anniversary band

SHOP anniversary rings

The anniversary band signifies the happy fulfillment of the promise that you made to your partner at the time of your wedding. It is a beautiful and tangible symbol of the commitment you two have to each other. It doesn’t matter if you’ve completed ten years together or a blissful year of a new marriage. When it comes to buying an anniversary band, it is recommended that you go for a ring that either signifies the years you’ve completed together with a two stone ring or a five or seven stone ring. 

You can also choose a lab diamond eternity ring that symbolizes the connection that will last forever. Go for our Portia lab diamond anniversary band that features five stunning oval lab diamonds, one after the other. This ring can be a great companion to your wedding band if your wedding band is a simplistic one.

Wedding Band And Its Significance 

wedding band

SHOP women's wedding rings

A wedding band is exchanged during the wedding ceremony and is a symbol of the unwavering trust and love you have for your partner. These bands are a timeless piece of tradition and can even be worn along with your engagement ring. There are many designs that you can choose from when it comes to a wedding band. You can go for a band similar to our Lia wedding band if you have a soft spot for the classic minimalistic wedding band design. You can get this band in either white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, or even platinum. 

If you like some heavy bling, you should definitely try our Collette wedding band, which features a gleaming row of beautiful diamonds in a U shaped pattern. It is a unique setting that will definitely mirror the relationship you share with your partner. Are you wondering what is the difference between anniversary band and wedding band? We help you answer this question; all you have to do is read on to find out the difference and also know the answers to some of the most asked questions when it comes to the two bands.

Anniversary Band Vs. Wedding Band 


SHOP fine jewelry

The major difference between an anniversary band and a wedding band is the intent behind the two. An anniversary band is given when you want to celebrate the years after your wedding that you two have spent together and made each other happy. It also celebrates all the tribulations you have gone through, being each other’s pillars as the years have gone by. 

The difference between an anniversary band and a wedding band can also be seen in their design. Wedding bands are usually of a simpler design than anniversary bands. Another difference is that wedding bands celebrate the start of your forever relationship, while anniversary bands celebrate the journey. Both of these rings hold a certain special value for the couple and are a beautiful celebration of important milestones.

FAQs About Anniversary Band Vs. Wedding Band

What is the key difference between a wedding band and an anniversary band?

While both of these rings are important symbols of love and commitment, the main purpose and intent behind the rings is very different. The wedding band is given at the time of the wedding ceremony meanwhile anniversary bands are a celebratory gift, given at the time of the completion of an important milestone. 

Can I wear a wedding band along with my anniversary band?

Yes, it is completely up to you if you want to layer up your anniversary band with a wedding band! The only thing you need to keep in mind is if both of these bands fit well with each other or not. There are many couples who choose to stack their bands together which can work wonders on an elegant date night. There are no rules to wearing jewelry and you can have fun with it the way you want!

Are there any specific metals I can use for my wedding and anniversary band?

Platinum metal

SHOP platinum wedding rings

Wedding bands and anniversary bands are simply rings that you can customize according to your choice. If you want to mix and match your wedding or anniversary band with your engagement ring, then choose a metal that is a bit different from your engagement ring. You can choose any precious metal, from the romantic hue of the rose gold to the classic charm of the yellow gold. If you have sensitive skin, then you might want to consider platinum for your band.

How do I choose an anniversary band that fits well with my engagement ring?

We know, it can be a hassle trying to find the band that perfectly fits with your engagement ring! If you have an engagement ring that has an extremely complex design then go for an anniversary band that is a bit simpler in design. You can also choose a wedding band that has a row of lab diamonds fitting the simplicity of your engagement ring. 

The sustainable beauty of a lab diamond anniversary band or women’s wedding ring is truly unmatched. You can now look your sparkling best all the while reducing your carbon footprints on the planet. Simply browse through our beautiful range of lab diamond fine jewelry and take home the sparkle of your dreams, be it a pair of stud earrings, tennis necklace, solitaire necklace or anniversary bands. With our lab diamond fine jewelry, we promise you a shine you will cherish forever!

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