Posted under Jewelry Guide

Tuesday, May 21 2024

How to Choose the Best Diamond Shape for Your Pendant

Written by Shelby Montel

How to Choose the Best Diamond Shape for Your Pendant

You may have been to a party or an event where there is always someone who grabs the attention with a beautiful and dazzling diamond necklace sitting elegantly around their neckline. Well, more often it is not the necklace that catches everyone's attention but the diamond shape of their pendant. 

You see, the best diamond shape for your pendant or your necklace is more than just a piece of jewelry, we believe that it is a form of expression of your personality as an adornment of your beauty. Diamond pendant necklaces are a popular choice that adds sophistication and elegance to any outfit that you choose.

It doesn’t matter whether you are buying a diamond pendant for yourself or for your loved one it is a very crucial step that you make an informed decision. Before you make your purchase, read this blog to find out which is the best diamond shape for your pendant.

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Understanding the Quality of Your Diamond

Before you start to explore different necklace designs, understanding the quality of your diamond is one of the first and crucial steps in selecting the best diamond shape for your pendant. The first thing that you do is learn the basics aka the 4 C’s of the diamond, which are Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat. The 4 C’s help you determine the overall quality and value of your diamond. 

Color often represents the presence of any tint present in the diamond, while clarity represents any inclusions and blemishes present, the cut refers to the proportions of the diamond and the fact how well it is cut, and lastly, carat represents the size and weight of the diamond. 

Consider the Design Element

When you have a basic understanding of the quality of diamonds, the next step is to select the design and style for your pendant that would best suit your taste. For example, you need to select the length of your necklace the setting style for your diamond, and let us not forget the best diamond shape for your pendant, because these factors will play a crucial role in determining how the style of your pendant will enhance and complement your features.

diamond pendant

SHOP solitaire necklaces

We would also suggest you select the metal hue that would complement your skin tone so that it will perfectly fit your aesthetic and personality. 

Match Your Necklace for Occasion

The style of your necklace highly depends on the occasion you are deciding to wear it for. For example, for formal the necklace style screams sophistication and elegance so for an event like this we suggest you go for a diamond drop necklace that will add the missing touch of glamour to your outfit.  

However, for casual events, we suggest you opt for a more laid-back and minimalist design that you can style every day. For instance, you can go with dainty pendants or necklaces, because necklaces like these are easy to style and can be effortlessly matched with various outfits.

When you are choosing a necklace for a formal event, consider the neckline of the outfit you are wearing. A plunging neckline looks great with a Y-shaped lariat necklace, which highlights your collarbone and adds a touch of refinement. High necklines, on the other hand, look best with a striking diamond collar necklace that rests gracefully against the cloth.

Layering tiny diamond necklaces of varied lengths for casual events or regular use will give you a sophisticated and personalized look. Combining diverse designs, such as a traditional diamond solitaire pendant with a modern diamond bar necklace, gives dimension and intrigue to your look.

Select Shape According to Your Face

A diamond pendant is truly a timeless piece of jewelry that can instantly enhance your ensemble. The shape of the diamond that you choose will dramatically uplift your overall look. We suggest that you go for shapes that will enhance your facial features while drawing attention to your neckline. 

If your face has the angularity of a diamond face shape we suggest you go for more rounded diamond shapes. This will create a sense of balance. For a face shape like this the best diamond shape for your pendant our would be cushion, oval, or the classic round diamonds

princess cut pendant

If you have a heart shaped face with a narrow chin, we suggest you go for oval or pear shaped diamonds as the best diamond shape for your pendant because the shapes will draw attention to your cheekbones while adding a touch of sophistication. 

But if you have an oval face shape, we highly recommend that you go for princess, cushion, or Asscher cut diamonds. These diamond shapes for your pendant will not only emphasize but also create a balance that will accentuate the length of your facial features. 

Consider Personalization

Well with all of that being said we guess you now have a clear idea of how to choose the best diamond shape for your pendant. But wait, to make your necklace truly meaningful and unique, we suggest you consider personalization. When you decide to personalize your pendants, you end up adding sentimental value to your jewelry and we think that it is perfect. 

design your own pendant

design your own pendant

As we conclude this blog, all we would like to tell you is that it doesn’t matter what shape of diamond you choose for your pendant, it is all about which shape defines your personality. If you are in search for a place that offers ethically grown lab diamonds for pendants, we invite you to explore our inventory of 100,000+ loose lab diamonds. We are sure you will find a shape that will have your heart.

Shop with Friendly Diamonds for a Friendlier Tomorrow!